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The Legendary Concert!! Adventure in the Astro Dome! is the 9th episode of Barney Hunters. It first aired on November 23rd, 2016.


For Thanksgiving break, Hope travels to Texas to visit with her uncle Martin and aunt Dana. Barney has a hunch that the next Classic Collection tape is in the Astrodome. On a day out, Cyrus appears and targets Hope on her hard earned vacation!


Hope has arrived in Houston for Thanksgiving break and is greeted by her uncle Martin and her aunt Dana in the airport. They travel to all the tourist destinations before heading home for the night where Hope settles in to her bedroom. Barney notices all the things and asks if she found the Classic Collection early. Hope laughs and says that the tapes in the shelf are her old childhood Barney tapes. Barney asks if the girl in the photo is Hope and she responds it's her cousin Berry, who now lives in England and her cousin Sammy who's in the military in Afghanistan.

While she still needs to do a report on a major tourist destination and public transportation in a metropolitan area, Hope decides that it would be a good opportunity to scout out a destination while traveling on her own in the city. Meanwhile, Cyrus plots an attack on the Astrodome where his next monster would be.

The next day, uncle Martin and aunt Dana take Hope out to breakfast at the Giant Cinna Swirl. When suddenly a monster appears, Hope then tells her uncle and aunt to stay put while she goes to find help. Barney then asks her why she didn't tell them she was a Barney Hunter and Hope responds that she can't tell them otherwise they'll freak out and find out her identity, she wants to protect them but doesn't want them to find out. Hope transforms and fights the monster herself, but then runs off after defeating the monster leaving to the curiosity of her uncle.

At the same time Hope returns asking to visit the Astrodome as she wanted to write about it for a report. Her uncle and aunt agree to take her as there is also an Astros game going on at the same time. While at the dome, Hope, along with her aunt and uncle, finds herself trapped in the elevator. Suddenly, Cyrus launches a fireball. Hope is left with a choice - transform in front of her uncle and aunt or die. She chooses to protect her loved ones... "Uncle Martin, Aunt Dana, I'm sorry..." and she shouts out her transformation phrase and frees herself and her family.

Hope finds out what no good Cyrus is up to and begins to fight him. He turns the dome into a monster bigger than Hope has ever faced. Barney teaches her a new kind of Shimbaree Magic, Shimbaree Gigantictacus. In this moment she becomes bigger than the monster and begins fighting through Houston to defeat him. At last she purifies the monster and herself in order to purify "Barney in Concert"

After Cyrus leaves Hope turns to Barney and asks if it was really in Houston they did the concert. Later that night Hope explains everything to her aunt and uncle who at first chide her for not saying anything sooner, but promises not to tell. Hope goes back to Summersdale with a smile knowing she has new allies.


  • The majority of this episode has references to Barney in Concert.


  • This episode was originally set to air on November 16th, 2016, but was preempted due to a special edition airing of Barney's Great Adventure which announced the Barney Hunters movie.